Peace Magazine

Peace, as the name suggests, is a solid but stolid bi-monthly of international news and analysis on anti- military subjects. Articles touch on issues in Sarajevo, North Korea and Germany, as well as nuclear non- proliferation. The articles on Chechnya, from two Russia-based journalists, are a highlight the editorial reveals that the artists formerly known as the KGB have taken to disguising themselves as journalists to spy on the Chechens, which among other things puts real journalists in jeopardy. I wouldn t want to spend my whole life reading articles this guileless (especially the Hang on to Hope! homily from Trudy Govier), or looking at this bland layout, but the scope and focus of Peace Magazine are commendable.

magazine / main creator: Metta Spencer / $2.50, or $17.50 per year / 736 Bathurst, Toronto, ON, M5S 2R4, [email protected]

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