Anonymous Juice

Anonymous Juice

This is a fine _ no _ excellent zine. You know how they say ‘something for everyone’? You know how they say that? I never really understood that. I always figured that if there was ‘something for everyone’ there would be nothing for me, cause I’m not ‘everyone.’ But if I was to apply that saying to any zine, it would be the premiere issue of Anonymous Juice, a zine so full of good writing, so warm and friendly and diverse in its subject matter, I can honestly say there is ‘something for everyone’ without feeling like what I’m really trying to say is that you ordinary dull types will love this, but the discerning me hates it for no other reason than the fact that most people like it. You see what I’m saying? It doesn’t matter. It’s the little things. Sarah Shawn’s ‘Songs I Used To Fuck To’. An interview with a corpse. An interview with the founder of Lip Balm Anonymous. ‘Poutine Wrecked My Life.’ Or it’s the big things: An essay on vampires, a lengthy railroad tale. Homey populist stories with just enough of a sardonic edge to keep them from being stupid. Something for everyone? Something for nothing? This is an epic debut. (HN)

litzine, 70 pgs, #1, $3, Craig Taylor (editor), #2_144 Harbord St, Toronto, ON, M5S 1H2

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