Alright, a very Canadian-content assemblage of cartoons. The first half of this black and white publication is divided into categories that cover the CBC, the turbot war, Quebec separation and other miscellaneous topics with lampooning potential. At least half of these (if not more) are culled from the editorial cartoons of newspapers which is great if you only read one newspaper. Zot relies heavily on that guy from the Montreal Gazette — no complaints there, he’s biting and hilarious, exactly what you want from an editorial cartoon. The other half of the magazine features comic-strips of varying quality and topic. My favourite was “Dilbert” by Scott Adams who adeptly mocks office life in his two page spread. Zot is a welcome, if slightly green, recruit to the swelling ranks of Canadian satire.

comic / publisher: Brian Guest / main creator: Brian Guest, editor / $30 for 12 / Zot Publications Station D PO Box 2607 Ottawa ON K1P 5W7


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