
This bi-monthly newspaper, which has Vancouver and Ottawa editions with separate editorial offices but the same mandate, serves the gay and lesbian community of Toronto in millions of ways. Covering news, arts and entertainment, and community events and concerns, Xtra! provides solid information and opinion on a huge variety of issues including things like our legal system, immigration, campus gay and lesbian groups, AIDS action, even the lap dancing controversy in Toronto. It’s full of spirit and humour in both its text and design and yet manages to be serious and critical when the issue warrants it. Overall it gives the sense of a vibrant community, and seems to play a big part in keeping that community communicating.

newspaper / Issue 283, 52 pages / publisher: Pink Triangle Press / main creators: Eleanor Brown (managing editor) / Free in Toronto, $45.95 (26 issues) / 491 Church Street, Suite 200, Toronto, ON, M4Y 2C6

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