White Trash Debutante and My So Called Sex Life

There doesn’t seem to be as much to these zines as there used to be. Renee’s white trash gags are still funny, but her vitriol seems forced, could it be she is losing interest in her white bread, gas pumping, coffee pouring constituency? That said, I will be trying out her recipe for the potato chip sandwich. As for Sex, there isn’t much of it in here – sure, that’s the point, but it doesn’t make for very compelling reading. A pretty dull rumination on the powers of masturbation give way to a three page joke manifesto on ways to stop jerking off. Am I bored? Yes, I am bored. (HN)

split zine / main creators: Renee (Trash), Scott (Life) / $2 / c/o Renee at 16 Cambridge Crescent, Bradford, Ontario, L3Z 1C9

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