Verse-O-Matic Vending

These are bubble things like the things you see in malls or supermarkets. You still get the little toy — in this case, marbles or stickers or some kind of a putty — but each one also has a little story or poem. I opened one and it featured a little fiction by the elliptical, talented prose writer James Spyker. It came with bright yellow putty, disgusting to touch, terrible smelling. James would approve. Another came with a poem by stalwart indie poet Rob Mclennan. The poem, entitled Carnation Suicide, came with a skull ring. These things, I decided, are pretty cool. I’ll let you know when Tamara’s got a contract to put Verse-O-Matic in every arcade and publishing office in Canada.

little suprise toy things / main creator: Tamara Fairchild / $2 / 670 Rhodes Ave., Toronto, ON, M4J 4X6

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