
Photo zine, Finders Keepers Printing Company,  [email protected]

There could soon be a generation,  if it doesn’t exist already, that won’t  understand comparisons between  Instagram and Polaroids. For better or  for worse, phenomena like Instagram come along to capitalize on nostalgia,  and make the objects of that nostalgia  — like the instant cameras with all  their clicking, whirring and waiting for  your just-captured moment in time to  appear — just a little more forgotten.  But Finders Keepers Printing Company  hasn’t forgotten. Their untitled zine  of seven scanned colour Polaroids  peeks into worlds of sideways shots  and preserved, mundane seconds in  time: city shadows, dark corners, heads  and torsos out of frame, all in the  unpredictable chemical wash of the  developed Polaroid. One typewritten  sentence strings through the pages, a  random thought to accompany these  random moments.  Many photo zines celebrate the  everyday, but doing so through the  lens of the classic casual photographer  brings it all back to the device that made  instant photography available to all, and  suggests the excitement it must have  held for earlier generations that didn’t  take the ability to capture every moment  for granted. (Joshua Barton)

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