Under the Armchair

There seem to be a lot of these Gothic horror-type mags around. They don’t seem to have any trouble getting material, so I guess we need more of them. If the “Massage” from the editor is any indication, Under the Armchair is going to be one of the more juvenile entries in the Gothic field. Here’s part of what Aileen has to say: “Greetings, hollow – oops – hallowed readers. Welcome to the embryonic thorn-in-the-side known as ‘Under the Armchair’, the resting place for things which crawl out from under academia and bump against it in the night…And no – this isn’t just a publication for embittered grad students.” Okay Aileen, whatever. (KS)

lit mag / #1, 39 pages / main creator: Aileen Lamarsh (editor) / $2.50 / P.O. Box 45022, 873 Hamilton Rd., London, ON, N5Z 5A6

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