Travel On

Perzine, David Solomon, #4,    [email protected], $2

I feel like I know David Solomon.  His pet peeves, fears and dreams  are all something that I recognize,  either in myself (as a fellow idolizer of  Antarctica) or through past friends and  acquaintances.  Solomon reveals his points of view  through excerpts from personal letters,  short essays and very short, but powerful,  fiction. While his non-fiction essays and  letters occasionally ramble, they almost  always find salvation in their passion.  While he sometimes misses the mark  (his essay against smartphones and our  connected generation turns into more  of a rambling rant than an argument),  Solomon’s humour and honesty are his  most redeeming qualities.  In an excerpt from a letter entitled “A  Beard of Passion,” Solomon’s comical  love for his facial hair quickly and  beautifully develops into a metaphor for  his fears for the future. Will any of us  ever be as sure of anything in our lives as  Solomon is sure of his beard? Probably  not. In another letter, he articulates  his feelings to his new girlfriend  Hailey, revealing the excitement and  infatuation of a new relationship. The most enjoyable features of this  perzine are the short bursts of fiction.  “Three Very Short Stories” are funny,  haunting and brief. All three making  you laugh and think. Travel On feels like a diary entry from  my own past. That level of personal  identification and recognition can be  hard to come by, and is all the more  enjoyable when it is illustrated with  vintage stamps and drawings of owls.  (Anna Wellman)

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