Trash Compactor

I was gonna sit down and write some bullshit blah blah blah about how this is about b-movies and you know isn’t that nice blah blah blah hey why not check it out and fuck but then I made the unfortunate mistake of actually opening it up and actually reading the thing and holy shit about a half-hour later I came up from air and deduced that it actually was about b-movies and I forgot that I like b-movies and I like the people they interview like watsis name? Bruce La Bruce who is obviously a funny guy and there is all kinds of other shit bizarro old ads for porno home-made trash and comics about movies and pictures and reviews of film festivals which turn out to be really long reviews of lotsa whatayaknow b-movies never mind that I thought S.F.W. was a piece of boring crap and this writer liked it but hey we both liked Motorama I think so I forgave him and instead read a letter in the front responding to the recent blaxploitation issue which got me thinking about this movie I saw last weekend in which this private dick named Shaft had to shoot his way out of a battle between the Harlem hoods and the Italian gangsters.

‘zine / no know publisher / main creator: Hal / $4 per plus $1 p/h / 253 College Street #108 Toronto, ON M5T 1R5



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