
Although I found the article on Cold Fusion annoying – just as I was ready to turn the page and dig in, I realized the article was actually over – other stuff here kept me saying: What is this? Who puts this out? This thing covers so much ground, veers here and there and everywhere, contains great writing and even a bit of humour, like the news briefs written entirely in what a friend of mine called “pig phonetics” but is billed as the Kanadian Langweej (somewhere in this mag is another publication that writes like this, we must fine them all and burn them). Finally, this seems to be the place to get all the new listings and info on Toronto’s only non-profit Barter Bank. Who are these people?

newspaper / issue 18, 40 pages / publisher: HughReilly (sic) / main creators: Nora Bencsics (editor) / free / PO Box 123, Station P, Toronto, ON, M5S 2S7



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