To Be Discreet

It comes with its own green construction paper pouch, stapled and stamped with a silver star, and the cover of this pocket-sized zine has even got a touch of crayon. I’m charmed. The whole thing is hand-printed, like a grade school project gone wrong. “Some call my writing an atrocity,” admits Billy White. It’s true that this zine has a kind of schizophrenic appeal so common to first- and second-issue zines, but there are shining moments among the chaos: Christmas as a vending-machine toy, for instance, or the rant on litter as advertising. To Be Discreet came with two safety pins fastened in the back “For Emergency Use Only.” Billy, how did you know I’d need these before day-end? (ES)

perzine, #2, 32 pages, Bill White, $1, Box 1417, Revelstoke BC, V0E 2S0

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