The Sentence That Thought Life Was Simple

Sentence seems to be the conduit for many things, not the least of which is some damn good writing. The premise is that the Sentence outlives its place in its original book, and having been cut loose by its author finds life is more than simple. It gets letters from around the world from people who miss it terribly and tell it about their journeys, which in many ways mirror the sentence’s journey. The epistolary style perfectly motivates this chapbook. Layout includes the front of the envelopes and postcards that it receives. Varied fonts reflect the sentiment of each correspondent. It would be hard to say much more than this without saying way too much, so leave it at this: this Sentence is worth reading.

chapbook / publisher: ga press / main creators: Corey Frost / $? / 2-358 Blvd. St. Joseph E., Montreal, PQ, H2T 1J4

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