The Sads

Zine, A.L and Chelsea, issue 1,  [email protected]

The Sads sounds like a cute affliction  that can be cured by sunbeams and  candy, but this split zine is “about  anxiety, sadness, and depression, but mostly sadness.”  I think it’s important that people  express themselves, and learn from  past relationships, awkwardness,  and heartbreaks, but this zine isn’t  engrossing enough to encourage  empathy. A few pages of anxiety,  introspection and one short story, and  I wonder if the author is content to  wallow in her proclaimed state. I hope  A.L. overcomes her sadness and creates  something else, because the drawings  are nice and the layout is interesting.  This zine made me sad because it seems  like stalled potential. Chelsea’s contributions are some  typewritten pages of tepid angst  attached to the back. It’s too bad she  filled the space with disconnected  thoughts and sentences instead of  telling one coherent story. (Rodney  Dickinson)

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