the oBliviOsiter

Just about everybody in the country has wondered about the Canadian Armed Forces in the last year or two, especially given the Somalia inquiry. What the fuck’s going on behind those barrack doors? Who joins the military and why? Well, OB1, who inadvertently ended up as a U.N. peacekeeper spins it all out here. Great illustration and painstaking honesty lets us in on how this comic character ended up in uniform. This is part one and it lays ground work, but I have a feeling by the time the full story unfolds, it will be a rare and chilling glimpse at the gang with guns. Send enough for the whole story, you won’t get it anywhere else quite like this.

comic / issue #10111, 18 pages / publisher: the obliviositer cabal / main creator: OB1 / free, trade or whatever / 650 Broadway Avenue #11, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 1A9


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