tHe moon is mAde WitH gREen ChEese

Heck, if what you’re after is tomfoolery, silliness and the kind of jokes your friends love to hate you for cracking then catch the next shuttle to the moon. Cut and paste craters will mark your visit to this rocky landscape along with features, snippets of text, illustrations, reprinted graphics and scribbled humour. On this planet, the advice column is an actual Roman column with advice scrawled on it; PokaRoo asks: “How do you like your eyescream?”; and people say things like “The Finns say that all you really need is: ‘sauna, alcohol and tar’.” All this non- gravity weirdness leads us to the play (in four scenes). We await the results of further extra- terrestrial exploration.

zine / issue 4, 18 pages / no known publisher / main creator: Becky Bayer / $1 or trade / P.O. Box 46, Cambellville, ON, L0P 1B0

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