The Insider

A strident underground leftist leaflet, all written by Chris Shoust and printed in stark, bold Courier typeface. There are four main articles this time. Although most of it is material rehashed from other sources, the writing is engaging and makes for a fairly good introduction for readers unfamiliar with the topics. A rant about Bombs Not Food was a confusing mess, but the Minor Threat article was good, the Malcolm X Principals was better, and the history of the U.S. government’s insurrection of the Black Panther Party was the best of the lot, being nicely researched and annotated. (DF)

zine, #2, July 2000, 8 pgs, free/stamps, 202 Landslide Rd., Sault Ste. Marie, On, P6A 6J8, email: [email protected], URL:

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