The Garden

Toronto has been the home of a number of radical papers over the years. Some are of a partisan nature, linked to a particular political tendency; others, like the close to forgotten Toronto Clarion, are of a more inclusive radical focus. The Garden seems to be a revival of the spirit of the Toronto Clarion – a broad spectrum of local expressions of social justice concerns linked to broader global concerns are touched upon. From the campaign against NIKE in Kensington Market, to the struggle in Columbia, this is an inclusive publication that encourages social change without dogmatism. In many cases, the stories include suggested follow-up activities so that the information provided doesn’t end with reflection but in action. The best piece in this particular issue, in terms of bringing a message home, was the quiz “Leaves and Logos.” Five sample leaves were shown as were parts of five corporate logos. Readers are asked to identify all of them. Not surprisingly, it was easier to identify the logos than the leaves – a very clear indication of the corporatization of our daily lives. At times, though, I did find the willingness of some contributors to go from factual analysis to conspiracy theory a problem. Most notable of this problem is the “MOVE PRESS RELEASE,” which distracted from focused, angry and powerful arguments presented in Jason Cowin’s “Urgent Update On Move.” (BB)

newspaper, #1, 20 pages, Kimball Cariou, free or by donations, 403 Huron Street, Apt. 302, Toronto ON, M5S 2G5, [email protected],

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