Stop Here on Red Signal

Imagine there was a poet only inspired by signs. You know, stop signs, sale signs, signs that tell you to not do what you’re doing. Now imagine these signs are quantified into math, just like VIII (Mathematics), one of the many poems in this debut handbound book. “80% of all items $2.00 or less.” But what is it about these poems that make them more interesting than they actually are? Well, two things a) Lou Calabro is the kind of poet that brings these things to life, especially during readings where he goes onstage with a Eugene Levy hairdo and a bottle of scotch to only trash the stage, break the microphone, then retreat into the fetal position whispering to himself, and b) because they are keen observations that are also transformed into visual poetry. Calabro is more than just a poet, he’s an organized Torontonian who is wholeheartedly responsible for bringing the End of the Internet reading series to town, as well as Goin’ Steady at the Boat and Dance Mullikins, and it’s more than endearing to see what’s behind his party persona and performer’s pout. He’s actually kind of soft inside. (Nadja Sayej)

Litzine, Louis Calabro, $15, Lyricalmyrical Press, [email protected]