Silent Subversion

Classic suburban ‘zine. dick complains about the bus that often comes late leaving him trapped in the suburbs. dick wants to know — what happened to Chachi? M*A*S*H? Taxi? Wonder Woman? dick writes a short-story in which the topics are the Star Wars trilogy, the uselessness of an English degree and what he and his buddy should eat. dick complains that his family is busting up his ‘zine fun by showing too much interest in his goings-on. In all the annals of time there has never been a better prototype for the suburban ‘zine. dick, I crown you king of the suburban ‘zinesters. Can anybody capture the suburbs better than dick? Does anybody care about dick’s life? How are these two questions related?

‘zine / no known publisher / main creator: dick / free with trade/stamps / 14977-22 Ave. White Rock, BC V4A 9J2

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