
Found this lying around in January. Haven’t seen an issue since. Can’t say I care that much. It’s got a lot of writing from what can loosely be termed the Toronto language poetry school or, should I say, scene. A pointless exercise in redundancy featuring bill bissett and the verbose scenester Phlip Arima. A couple of poems. A story by CF Kennedy. A tribute to the work and memory of the poet Shaunt Basmajian, who, Ted Plantos tells us, was a freewheeling outsider haunted by past and the future. Plantos’ well written tribute that made me wonder why they hadn’t printed some of his poetry instead of all that blather with the Phlipster and bill?

litzine / #1, 16 pages / main creators: Ted Plantos, James Deahl, Allan Briesmaster (eds.) / $14 for 4 / Box 51531, 2060 Queen Street E., Toronto, ON, M4E 3V7

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