Sally Schramm

Sally Schramm is a zine that presents the life of the creator embodied in a comic character, in a style that is very reminiscent of Patti Kim’s work. In issue number four, we follow Agnes (or Sally) as she “gets over her ex-boyfriend while her heart and brain duke it out over the balance of power”. Hmmm. Where another author might turn this into an angsty “my-ex-boyfriend-is- such-a-creep-routine”, Agnes (along with her sidekick Melody) present the battle with humour by highlighting the illogical ways in which our hearts and brains sometimes work when dealing with that ever clichéd subject of love. So after you’ve been stood up (again) pull this out. It’ll make you smile. (GS)

comic, #4 / main creator: agnes / $? / 9-6050 jubilee road, halifax, NS, B3H 2E5

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