
Hey guess what makes an ultra-hip zine? Great comics? Nope. Good band interviews? Nope. Feelin’ Shitty Barbie? Nope. Give up? Well we hear at bp have consulted our battery of computers many of whom can beat Hilary at chess and they have decided that what makes a cool zine is….Cadillac Bill. That’s right. Unless you are like Rivet and a few other select zines, and have something about or by the bubblemeister with the accent and the band, you will never ever have a zine worth the price of the paper it is printed on. Well that said, this issue of Rivet starts off exploring the personal, but quickly becomes a guided tour through hipster land. Since I’m not sure which facet of the zine I get into more, I’ll just flip through. Stacey gives us the memory of his dad making him look at his legless grandfather in the hospital. Oh very unpleasant. Feelin’ Shitty went to NY but I stayed home and skipped back to the video barn bargain basement flick section. Zoltan, Hound of Dracula, is slobbering blood on small screens everywhere. My final act was to pull out the pull-out comic Hairdos, Eggs and Robots. Happy weirdness — it shoulda been a lot bigger. You see this neck? I once killed a person with this neck. I was riveted.

zine / main creator: Stacey Case / $2.50 / 689 Queen St. W, #193, Toronto, ON, M6J 1E6



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