Rice is Nice, But Liquor is Quicker

I’m going through people’s minds the way Elena the baby-sitter wanders through a couple’s home after the kids are asleep. Elena calls her zine Rice Is Nice, But Liquor Is Quicker. I don’t know what that means, but stick around and I’ll try to find out for you. I’m only reviewing zines by women in this column. Again, I don’t know what that means, and again I think you should stick around and find out. Elena analyzes the situation the pedestrian faces when the pedestrian presses the button that is supposed to tell the light to change and allow the pedestrian to cross. She thinks it is a farce and that it is all about power, that is, the pedestrian thinking they have the power to stop traffic when they do not have power. What this has to do with rice, I don’t know. She advises us, however, not to believe her because if we do we might lose the power. Um, there are a few more things in this zine that might shed some light on the situation. One is called Bible Fun. It recommends group bible reading and hymn singing. For fun, that is. The other is a discussion of the characters in the show Ready Or Not (some sort of watered down Degrassi, she explains). The characters are named The Kooky Boyfriend, Troy and The Guy With The Bandanna.

zine / main creator: Elena / $1 / 191 Westminster, Toronto, M6R 1N9


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