
This crisply printed art and words zine/journal starts out ranting about work, mind numbing work, lack of good work, co-workers, tedium, etc. If you work, you are familiar with this experience. Excerpt from work diary: “April 24/97. Another bad day. If I had one wish today it would have been to have a flamethrower.” While I’m sympathetic, writing about boredom tends to get…boring, so it was a pleasant surprise that the second issue of Repair turned to tales of relationships, approximations of love, and staying at home. Life is always more interesting than work. That’s why people call in sick. (TD)

zine / Vol. 1, #1 & 2, 16 & 18 pages / publisher: Three Fish Productions / main creator: Deanna & Dimitris / $3 / 655 Crawford St., Toronto, ON, M6G 3K1

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