
This is a pretty good zine and though the material they document may be quixotic, the zine itself is solid. A review of designer Bruce Mau’s book Lifestyle compares it to McLuhan’s The Medium is the Message – both are “innovative, easy to read, and full of profound bite-sized profundity and both require a certain amount of skepticism because of periodic lapses of logic.” Well, fair enough. Then a recipe for a Scottish egg sandwich. Restaurant reviews from the Toronto area. A couple of great short stories, the first by Joanne Huffa, the second by Michelle Bouzide which starts: “She tells me lies. I know they’re lies, and she knows too. Her children were taken away from her.” As if all that wasn’t enough, there’s an Eighties Page chronicling the one and only Ben Seaver from Growing Pains. (Hal Niedzviecki)

zine, #8, free, Ambika Thompson (editor), [email protected]

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