
You have to be careful with poetry websites. I mean, everybody’s got a few really bad poems tucked away in old notebooks somewhere, and, websites being so easy to make, it takes a strong soul to refrain from posting them up there next to the cute pictures of the family cat, so you have to watch your step. Not to worry in the case of Pyrowords. This is an exceptional poetry site. Not to get into any heavy lit-crit here, but almost all of the poems and short stories posted when last I checked were very dark and not a little surreal. Many seemed to touch on themes of childhood horror. The artistic effort put into this site is exceptional. Every contributor gets a separate page, each one painstakingly designed to compliment his or her subject matter. The colours, background graphics and evocative animated gifs (yes, you read that correctly; evocative animated gifs) have obviously been chosen with great care, and the effect is powerful. Check this site out, and don’t forget to add a few words to the world’s longest run-on sentence before you leave.

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