Perfected Isolation

If you send away for Meghan Robinson’s Perfected Isolation you will receive a plain brown envelope containing four poems and a watercolour. The effect is impressive: crumbled paper with the corners ripped off casting shadows all over the mail. There’s something wonderful about receiving poems stuffed into a sealed envelope. It’s like you are about to read important documents meant especially for you. These are personal poems and their scribbled messy artistry works in tandem with their postal friendly format to create a yearning space where the reader can ponder and come to terms with the solitude of individual life. “No one seems to fall with me/i am in my underwear/i am lying face down/in puddles of pleasure – to discover.” It’s the transitory nature of life examined and sculpted here, particularly in the beautifully scripted goddess, a list of things to see “in the starlight of mother night.” (HN)

zine/letter / main creator: Meghan Robinson / $1 / 492 8th Ave., #1, Hanover, ON

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