Kate sounds like an alright gal. If you’re in a rut and a need a place to crash for a couple of days, she’d be the first to lend her couch, but just don’t eat her food without asking first and establishing the rules. She’d probably take you down to the video store to rent a movie, but she’d steer clear of any of the shelves that have the words “Tom Hanks” or “Brad Pitt” and search down the indie titles with names like “Steve Buscemi” and the “Coen Brothers”. If she decides to bake something, it’ll be with organic ingredients only. She’ll call her friend Claude Ramone who’ll come over and tell a very interesting story featuring conversations with Vancouver avant-garde film artist, Hugo X. Luna will drop by and tell you that she was caught shoplifting…again….but thanks to some understanding people she got away without any charges. Yup, Kate is my kind of people, so drop her a line, because although living away from the bustle of Vancouver might be nice, she sometimes gets mighty bored on Saturday nights when the streets are deserted by 6 o’clock. (KJ)

zine, #6, 40 pages, $2, Kate, Box 106-5855 Cowrie St., Sechelt, BC, VON 3AO,

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