Opium of the People

These two issues of this literary zine I have here are dedicated to William Blake, and to William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg. Now, I don’t expect the writing in a zine to compare to Blake in particular, but I do think that the creators might not want to draw attention to this fact. There’s nothing terrible in these collections of poetry, short fiction and non-fiction, but there was certainly nothing that reached out and grabbed me, either. An editorial states that “It is true that we have placed standards on this zine, but these are primarily moral not critical. If we judged by our own concept of ‘intellectualism’ we become elitist and the purpose of OPIUM is lost.” But, you know, Blake, Ginsberg, and Burroughs all had critical standards. (HC)

zine, 6 pages / main creators: Joshua Paul, Chris Morgan / publisher: Arcanaums Publishing / $1 / 451 East Mile Road, London, ON, N6H 3K4

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