One Way Ticket

This is an impressive debut from Julian Evans. He’s expressing some pretty great ideas in this neatly laid out zine. This kid is smart but he doesn’t seem to know it. Or, perhaps more accurately, Julian probably does know he’s smart, but he’s not being a show-off asshole about it. It’s this down to earth quality that emerges from his writing that makes this zine a pleasure to read. This first issue deals with what it means to be part of the DIY community, the meaning of hardcore, and the implications attached to being straight edge. Sure, this is all stuff that’s been written about a billion times before, but I don’t care. Julian’s got something to say and he’s saying it. Isn’t that what zines are supposed to be all about? Besides, the topics might be familiar to most of us, but the way that Julian writes about these issues is quite refreshing. In addition to Julian’s rant-style prose, we’re also welcomed to an essay he wrote about anarchist participation in the Spanish civil war and some reflective prose about wanting to change the world. “I have been working half assed at a zine for over two years,” Julian writes on the final page of OWT, “throwing away countless redone introductions and woeful tales of heartbreak. In the end this isn’t much what I expected it to be, but it serves a purpose in any case– There are a thousand things I wanted to say or write and didn’t, but now at least I have my foot in the door. Don’t worry, I’m not giving up anytime soon.” I’m glad to hear it. Pick this up. (AG)

perzine, #1, 30 pages, Julian Evans, $?, 2755 E 2nd Avenue, Vancouver BC, V5M 1E2, [email protected]

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