Nietzsche’s Brolly

If the six books of poetry listed in the catalogue of this obscure press are anywhere near as enticing as the four broadsheets Nietzsche’s Brolly sent over, then I am hoping to read the entire lot. The broadsheets are enticing full colour works by two collage artists, Guy R. Beining and John Barlow. They are aptly described in the catalogue as being “visual poems” and both seek to merge aspects of the post-industrial abstract with sentimental surrealism and general weirdness. This is fascinating fine art, and you should not be afraid of it. Its format of broadsheets — 8×11 colour copies — is accessible, and fitting for the collage style. My favourite was “Post Beige Copy Nomenclature” by Guy R. Beining. A column of sock pictures — red and black interspersed — run across the page. Above the socks is a distressed blurry figment of a person in motion. Other random images and words are juxtaposed to create a powerful sense of something occurring. If you are into collage and ways that art can be made accessible and still breath- taking, then check out Neitzsche’s Brolly.

catalogue/broadsheets / publisher: Nietzsche’s Brolly / main creator: ? / $2 for colour broadsheet, 25 cents for b/w, catalogue is free / 30 Brunswick Ave., Toronto, ON, M5S 2L7

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