Nice And Fun Magazine

A guy goes to his girlfriend’s parent’s house for a barbecue. “Too hot to cook indoors,” the mother says. “Time to eat,” the father says. In another story, a girl takes her boyfriend to meet her dad, but as soon as they all sit down together, the girl says they have to leave, and the girl and the boy leave together, holding hands. A girl tries to write an essay. What is it about this magazine? Is it simply the fact that the print comes off on your fingers? You should read this magazine. You should hear Fiona Heath try to reconcile her desire for cars with her desire “to be a good anarchist eco-babe.” Maybe it’s because NAFM “symbolizes the hope that all the idealistic losers in the world like myself are only really lost and devoid of hope, instead of completely & 100\% fucked over by this planet.”

lit zine / no known publisher / main creator: no / “Anyone interested in buying a subscription could send us about $2 an issue” / POB 40077, Waterloo Town Sq. P.O., 75 King St. S., Waterloo, ON N2J 4V1

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