This girl’s got lots of handy hints: “What to do with the leftover lube” gives you 8 handy suggestions for where to wipe; “What to do with surplus cash” results in a euphoric “Pierce Me!” and Alanna Cleave contributes an ever informative segment of her strip Plastic, including “in lesson one we learn the basic Rock Star moves…” A wild romp through the ever perilous girl meets boy, boy’s pierced tongue gets snagged in action, girl suggests hospital, boy leaves girl. The illustrations bound from page to page and lots of near-sex encounters happen and don’t happen with joy and humor.

comic / issue #2, 16 pages / main creator: Tamara Rae Biebrich / $2 / 39 Lochinvar, Winnipeg, MB, R2J 1R3, [email protected]


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