negative buttheads

This comic is well put together. It features a variety of strips that seem to be serial. The drawing is of the good old traditional narrative comic-strip style. There is the Carlens McGee saga — she’s being hunted by a flake cop who’s trying to pin murders on her, though with apparently no support from his police department. She’s a strange character because in the whole strip she says only about ten words, while the other characters talk their heads off. Then there’s Super Mechanical Fighting Team Jesus which stars the fightin’ Christian kids who (sort of like those other cartoon characters) unite into one giant entity that pounds all evil in its wake. The evil forces in this issue were the Abortion Ray and the Phallic Demons. I’m not sure if this is tongue and cheek or not, so see for yourself. Finally there was Square City which amounts to drawings with quotes from the characters, like Sarry Age 1054 (not a typo) who says “I used to be really pushy but now I realize that some people won’t listen no matter how loud you scream.”

comic / publisher: Shaindle Minuk / main creator: Shaindle Minuk / $2 / PO Box 773, Station P, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2Z1



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