Man With Broken Leg

Anthony dreams of aeroplanes, writes good poetry – especially That Night – and so much more. This is a grab-bag zine with a feisty tone that gives us just the right mix of despondency, dreaming and deviance. Highlights include a report on Canzine, cited as “an incredible success”, the Ottawa diary, which is mostly an account of where and what Anthony eats – but hey, it works – and some great collage work. Interviews with bands small brown bike and OlO. There are also zine reviews including a review of the Our Hero zine (which must have come from the CBC tv show about a girl who makes zines), described here as “a so-so personal zine.” I wonder if Anthony would have reviewed it if he knew it was a show promo thing? I feel vaguely cheated on MWBL’s behalf, because Anthony is obviously fooled, writing that “Our Hero (I don’t know her name) is such a nice person to talk to.” (HN)

zine, #4, Anthony Gerace, $1, 806 Barclay Rd., London, ON, N6K 3H6


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