Magic & Corn

Magic & Corn

Get this zine only if you have this same recurring dream: You are walking through the baseball field Kevin Costner built in “Field Of Dreams” when, suddenly, from out of the cornfields you see the Green Giant. He insists on inviting you over to his (very large) house, you sit to meal of a huge bowl of Corn Flakes, cornbread and corn niblets. Afterwards, you watch Children Of Corn – suddenly it’s morning, and you are awakening to a sun the color of candy corn. Interviews with people, “articles”, haikus, confessions, comics and more all about __ you guessed it __ corn. (KJ)

zine, Vol. 5, May 1999, $1, Phil Delisle (editor), P.O. Box 426, Caledon, ON, L0N 1C0

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