Look The Other Way

“This is dedicated to monotony. This is a monument to routine,” writes Greg of his Victoria based Look the Other Way . Correct in his assessment not just of zine culture in general, but of Look the Other Way in particular, his scribbled periodical is a shrine to the redundancies of a disreal generation. Rambling prose-poetry staring out of the corner of a down-turned eye. Lines catch at your mind like fish hooks grazing puckered mouths. “….the understanding of your ears….” “It’s the cracking sound of change costing me ten cents less than the other people charge…” Like the phone company, Greg charges by the minute, but he accepts other zines, and poorly reproduced marker testimonials as payment. (HN)

zine, #5 / main creator: Greg Pratt / $1.50 / PO Box 8183, Victoria, BC, V8W 3R8

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