Lantern Girl

Right off the top, Kirsty writes, “Jesus Christ, my savior and best friend, I give you all glory and praise, I take no recognition for anything; it is all a blessing from you, let me be a living sacrifice.” So, I guess any criticism I have should be directed to Jesus. I didn’t know the son of God was a teenage girl from Calgary who worries about being trendy, writes poetry about the rain and loves to xerox old black and white photos. I don’t think it’s fair to praise Him for Kirsty’s short poems about her sister and her high school friends. Kirsty’s the one hiding out in Starbucks with the “alternative” kids, she’s the one being dropped off and tucked in by (boy?)friends, she loves her old dog. I’m going to go against her wishes and recognize Kirsty for the touching navel gazing herein. (TD)

poetry/perzine, #3&4, free with stamps, 28 pages, Kirsty Keith, [email protected]


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