Jay, the Blind Jaywalker

This may be an acquired taste, but I have to say that I found this completely hilarious. It’s a collection of mostly three-panel comic strips about Jay, the Blind Jaywalker who, in each strip walks across the street and gets killed by a car. But each strip is slightly different. One, for example, is titled Noam Chomsky’s Jay. Jay walks across the street, gets hit by the car, and then says “You won’t be seeing this on NBC.” Jay the Insomniac concludes with Jay saying “I still can’t sleep.” Van Gogh’s Jay ends, of course, with Jay losing an ear. V-Chip Jay has Jay walking across the street, and then two blank panels. Whether Michael Hind has enough ideas for another collection, I don’t know. But if he does, I want it. (KR)

comic / main creator: Michael Hind / publisher: Caterpillar Press / $3 / 9-385 Rue Edouard-Charles, Montreal, QC, H2V 2N1

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