
I liked this little book of poetry and pictures by Andy Brown even before I began to read it. You’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but with Intruders it’s kind of hard not too. On the cover of this little book is a picture of two upside down blue recycling boxes with a thick orange stripe down the middle. Recycling box blue and orange are the perfect colours to put on the cover of a small poetry book called Intruders. What I found inside was definitely worthy this stunning cover page. Intruders is poetry that makes full use of language and creates beautiful and refreshing images and sounds: “early morning pond scum/lily pads/stumps of bulrushes/shaking off nightmares/of hanging off cliffs/and crashing airplanes/a headless mouse/discovered on the bed.” I liked the fact that Andy Brown was cleverly subtle and not overly explicit in delivering his message. It’s nice to read work from a poet who gives his readers credit rather than spoon-feeding them meaning. Intruders is an enjoyable and intelligent little book. (Audrey Gagnon)

poetry chapbook, 20 pages, Andy Brown, $?, Conundrum Press, 266 Fairmount West, Montreal Quebec, H2V 2G3, [email protected],

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