ink magazine

Among those vying for the position of most unpretentious lit-mag in Canada is the kind-hearted Ink. In the editorial, John gently prods other literary journals to remember that literature is about reading not how many readings you do a month or how many people you have on your masthead. From there on in, he lets go of the reins. The imaginative fiction conjures up the slightly twisted lives of people we can relate to; a French Montrealer is obsessed with the grocery chain Steinbergs in “A Can of Peaches is a Work of Art” by Glen Siebrasse; Harriet Millstone inverts the passion of death and has a chuckle along the way in “What Would You Do…” Yeah, I’m not trying to tell you what’s in this thing. I’m just trying to tell you that this is a humane magazine, as readable and sweaty and unpredictable as a palm.

lit mag / publisher: John Degen / main Creator: John Degen (editor) / $2.50;$8/4 issues / P.O. Box 52558, St. George Postal Outlet, 264 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON M5S 1V0

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