Infinity Plus One

“Our ultimate goal is to serve as a viable medium through which those with less readily accepted opinions are free to express their thoughts and views. Last issue included several topics of controversy, including an interview with a member of the KKK.” Whatever. You decide if this seemingly self-congratulatory editorial slant is something you prefer to read in ‘alternative media.’ Anyone can have an opinion, what matters is how well informed that opinion is and how accurately it reflects existing conditions, people or experiences. OK, so I’m in a bit of a snooty mood, but it’s late, and I’m so tired of unthinking attempts at “free speech” that goad people into believing that providing a platform for utter inanity is what the real struggle for “free speech” is all about. (RT)

Vol. 1, Issue 2, January 1998 / main creators: Tom Davies & Mike Corman / R.R.2, Site 218, C18, Courtenay, BC, V9N 5M9, e-mail: [email protected]

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