Indy Unleashed

Indy Unleashed is Owen’s labour of love. It has a great cover image of a worker breaking off his chains because he has found ZINES. Owen loves zines. He reviews interesting ones. He writes about zine-related cultural events, like fairs, zine books, distros. He’s vocal, and tells you exactly what he thinks of everything. Since there’s a rumour that that FactSheet5 will soon be publishing again, but that rumour hasn’t yet materialized into reality, zines like Indy Unleashed are the best way to find out about US zines. I couldn’t muster up this much enthusiasm for zine paraphernalia, but I’m damn glad someone else is doing it. Power to the hardcore! (Emily Pohl-Weary)

review zine, #9, summer 2000, Owen Thomas, POB 9651, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 43209

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