At first glance, In Hell’s Belly is dressed up in S/M drag: a fashion cover of a cropped blonde women nuzzling a skull with a chain (of bells) around her neck, ads galore for piercing salons and fetishy clothes, and so on. Actually, though, its biggest jones is for bisexuality, discussed in several articles, alternately with painful sincerity and wry humour. In addition, there are band interviews (Muscle Bitches), fiction, poetry, and a collection of dating dont’s. At various places in the zine there are suggestions that In Hell’s Belly is a trendy institution in Vancouver, with throngs of adoring fans with whom the zine producers themselves are mildly uncomfortable. Is it so? Why? Could an objective Vancouver observer write and let us know? (They do claim to have a 24-hour subscription hotline.) Hell’s Belly has style and personality but it s the content is a little thin. Sounds perfect for a trend-leader.

zine / publishers: Helen S. Siwak, In Hell s Belly Mag, Edward Mowbray, I.H.B. Hyperactive CD-Rom / main creator: Helen S. Siwak (Editrix) / $20 subscriptions (6 issues), $4 single copy / Box #4, 199 West Hastings / Vancouver, B.C., V6B 1H4 / (604) 669-37

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