I Fucked Up!

Follow the adventures of three Michigan cartoonists as each of them fucks things up with a girl. Sound dumb? It isn’t. It’s actually a really cool, funny, and heartfelt comic that leaves you wanting more at the end. The best story, by far, is Jason Gibner’s account of courting a woman named Cara (I’m not sure if names were changed for the sake of those involved- they could have been). Jason has a date with her which he thinks he screwed up, and is too scared to talk to her again. But he finds out years later that she had a great time and was crushed when he didn’t call again. On a whole, this comic is really cool, and good for those times when you think that you couldn’t have screwed it up more with the girl you’ve got a crush on. Recommended. (Anthony Gerace)

Comic Zine, #1&2, 50cents, Jason Gibner, Matt Delight, and Jeremy Wheeler, 6614 Adaridge, Ada, MI, USA, 49301, [email protected]

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