I Ate Some Bad Fish

My grandfather, a Vaudeville performer for most of his life, always used to say that, “variety is the spice of life”. I am, of course, allergic to most spices. (I also don’t know from funny). But that shouldn’t bother anyone, since ned is the chief chef at the I Ate Some Bad Fish shop. What ned’s zine serves up, may well be the very definition of variety. This zine has a doodling collection that tastes slightly of personal angst, movie reviews by O. J. Simpson, and Comix. For your main course, you may be intrigued by either the “journal of a stalker” spoof , or a simple test which will determine your true bedroom personality. And with your coffee, an interview with the chief chef’s lumberjack dad, various newspaper headlines, or a zine review. Please enjoy the selection, and as my grandfather always used to say, “look after your vaiter or they’ll spit in your soup”.

zine / #3 / ned / $? / Box 2718, Merritt, B.C. V0K 2B0

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