Hook & Ladder: Canada’s Independent Journal of Poetry and Reviews

Hook & Ladder is a good avenue to become acquainted with some very capable Canadian poets while still remaining accessible and open to promote new and unknown writers/poets. There is very little here by way of a burdensome academic elitism which would render every foray into poetry a rarefied encounter with unmitigated genius and the like. None of that academic-smarter-than-thou pose here. An honest and accessible collection of poetry and review articles. Issue 2.2 has an interview with one of the founders of the Montreal Story Tellers Performance Group, Raymond Fraser. Issue 2.3 features an interview with established Toronto poet, Governor General’s Award winner, and teacher, David Donnell.

chapbook, 40 pages / $10 for four issues (2 years); $6 for two issues (1 year) / main creator: Victoria Martin / P.O. Box 78, Station B, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6C3


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