
Holly Dzama, little sister to Marcel Dzama of Royal Art Lodge fame, is already a master of cutesy, faux-naïve irony, and has created a funny little comic in the style of those who pretend to be simpler than they really are. Her sentences go: “I am a literate sixteen year old but I will write just like I am 8-and-a-half because I am simply more adorable that way,” and so do her drawings. Fact is though, she is pretty adorable and, I don’t mind saying, the crude drawings and the silly, pointless stories about vampires, ghosts and other Hallowe’en creeps enhance each other, even though the aesthetic here is one I wish had long ago disappeared from existence. You’ll read it more than once, and, in all likelihood, show it to your friends. (Donato Mancini)

comic, $5, 20 pages, Holly Dzama, 31 Winter Bay, Brandon, MB, R7B 3H9


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