Her Voice

Her Voice

The first issue of this zine was a lengthy, fairly well written story about a group of teenagers on a road trip. It was a very ambitious debut, that I hoped would bring forth more fiction in the future. Sadly, issue number two is far departure from the promising debut and one hopes this isn’t the direction these girls have decided to take. The cover proclaims: “Shouting The Poetic Truths Of Highschool Journal Keepers” and what follows is an entire zine filled with excerpts – (bad) poetry, ramblings, scraps of paper, vague observations – from their high school notebooks. When I was in high school I kept a journal of sorts with various scribblings from my daily life and looking back at it now I wouldn’t dare let anyone see what I wrote. In high school emotions are hyperbolized, events blown out of proportion and put under the microscope. Often times, what I wrote was simply embarrassing. I won’t go so far as to say this zine is embarrassing, but it is a major disappointment from two girls who I know are far more talented than this zine lets on. Here’s to hoping issue number three will find them back on track. (KJ)

zine, #2, $1/trade, Bobbie Gagnon & Kelly Kopinak, 1078 Blanchard Road, London, ON, N6G 4A2


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